Friday, February 24, 2006

Not Finished Yet

I will be away from blogging for sometime now, this time I am gonna keep my word. Last year i.e 2005 had started off on a lazy note and by the time it ended I was on a roller coaster ride, the hectic pace was carried forward to 2006. The ride has been quite interesting, came face to face with something new, recognized and acknowledged it and learned to live with it.

Right now I am vey happy, lots of good happening around me. Most of my friends seem to be on track professionally and some are taking stock of things and making some crucial decisions. My friends VJ & PJ, who are incidentally married to each other had a baby, a bonny boy. In two months time my family will be shifting to a new house, really looking forward to it. All the positivity is affecting me and making me believe I am going to pass my exams with flying colours, haven't thought beyond that. All I know is this year I am going to turn 29 the same number as my birthdate. Besides that I don't know whats going to happen with me. But going by the record of the past 28 years its going to be interesting.

Don't miss me too much. I will be back far more crazier(definite) and wiser(doubtful) than now.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I had met two kinds of people in this world, One who think and the other who don't.
Then I met the third kind............... with no brain.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Of Making Out, Perverts and Getting Married

At the University I have befriended a middle-aged woman, mother of three and a teacher by profession. Very nice lady but unintentionally funny. If she has any grouse she has to tell me. Once during a lecture she was all hassled so she is like, 'what are they teaching re, just rushing through the portion, can't even make out' I managed a straight faced acknowledgment.
Another time she was complaining about a colleague who is a pervert. I said, 'why do you say that?
You don't know re she hides her notes between sheets of correction papers and studies. She doesn't want me to know that she has the notes. Pervert only she is.
On the way to the station in the rickshaw, 'Do you think we will pass?
Me: yes we will
For you it is ok re you are used to studying I have lost touch long time back.
Me: Its been years since I have been out of college too. Don't remember when was the last time I studied.
With a surprised look.... 'what is your age?'
I am 28.
Surprise changes to reproach.
Not married yet (Note its a statement and not a question)
No I not married.
Why? Oh you want to first settle in career and then get married.
No nothing like that, just not married.
The discourse for today ends here.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Never ever think that you have seen it all. Just today while having chai in the evening Spooman was telling us about N. It seems N has a boyfriend whom she wanted to meet on Valentine's day and how she was making cryptic references to her BF so that spooman could ask her questions to get details.
Suddenly Kathy woke up from his dream and said, 'Somethings wrong with the world even N has a boyfriend. Look at me!
To which I said, 'Now why would you want a boyfriend?'

I tell you whether something is wrong with the world or not, something is definitely wrong with Kathy or should I say queer.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A Day Well Spent

We had wanted to go to town for some time. Finally we decided on today. Kathy and me both reached VT at 11.30am the preset time, called Maxi to find out where he was, not surprisingly he was still at home. After partying the whole night he had reached home in the morning and getting sermons from his mom for wanting to go out again. So it was going to be only Kathy and me. We started walking towards Flora Fountain the vendors had just started setting shop. Kathy wanted to buy 4 copies of the book “The world is Flat” after checking out many stalls, finally one guy agreed to sell each copy for Rs. 80 but Kathy was adamant he wanted them at 70 each in Chennai he would get it for much cheaper. We walked some more and bargained with some more book sellers finally I managed to convince him that 80 bucks was a good bargain and going to Chennai just for the books would be too expensive. So we went back and bought the 4 copies.
I had a list of books to buy but couldn’t find a single one. Around that time Maxi called and said he would join us in an hour meanwhile we should check out the book sale at Kala Ghoda Art Festival. This was one pathetic Art Festival, nothing happening really just a trade fair on a minute scale, only thing good was the book sale but I did not find any of the books I was looking for.
On the footpath near the Jehangir Art Gallery one finds some paintings displayed some street artists working and displaying their skills there is a section dedicated to Bollywood too, here my attention was drawn by a beautiful painting a lone temple in the midst of trees and some people going about their business. We were whiling away time there when Maxi joined us. We decided to have lunch and then continue with the window-shopping at that moment I noticed the board, advertising palm and face reading. I was to try it out and my prophecy was interesting then Kathy and Maxi would follow my suit. After some general prediction the guy said I could ask him a question. The question was what to ask? I said I will ask if I will get a desired job. Kathy and Maxi were completely against it they wanted me to ask when I will get married. Now how would he know that? Anyways after much discussion finally it was to be the marriage question. The answer to which was,”Jab sahi samay aayega tab shaadi hogi”. This answer was the deciding factor for the duo, they did not want to get their face read. What was the whole point if he couldn’t tell when they would get married. I paid the swami for enlightening me. The next thing on our agenda was to enlighten our starving bellies.
We went to Royal Café opposite Regal Cinema, for a minute I thought we were at the wrong place, once upon a time this restaurant was small and served Indian food. Now it is huge and swank and the cuisine has been changed to Italian. Two of Maxi’s friends joined us for lunch; one of them just kept talking to Maxi in particular. I tried to join in but after some attempts decided to follow Kathy’s example and kept quiet. During the course of the lunch Maxi revealed that the plan was to watch a movie, the new Jim Carrey flick, the talkative friend had an opinion on that too. Kathy and I said we didn’t want to watch the movie as we still had to browse through the streets of Colaba, we reminded him that was the reason we were here. Maxi was crushed, how could we have not known that he had plans to watch a movie. That’s Maxi something’s on his mind and he thinks the entire world knows about it. And on top of that he has to commit to thousand things at the same time.
After lunch Maxi was in a turmoil, we told him its alright he can go and watch the movie we will continue to scout for some more books while he was thinking about it I managed to strike a great bargain and bought a three quarters pant for 80 bucks after which we parted ways.
Though we were specifically looking for books, it is impossible not to get distracted by all the accessory stalls at Colaba. Fortunately for Kathy I don’t take much time to decide I just have to glance at the stuff and know that I don’t like anything and move on to the next shop. After much glancing about I bought 2 glass bangles, an anklet and one necklace all for 95 bucks, great bargain this too. We walked the whole of causeway and still did not find any of the books I was looking for. So we decided to go back to Kala Ghoda, there Kathy brainwashed me to buy ‘The Complete Sherlock Holmes’ which was for just 159 bucks. Then we went to Magna bookstore, a lovely shop which has a balcony where you can sit on the cane chairs and sip on tea or coffee while reading the books. I found one of the books I was looking for “Madame Bovary” by Gustave Flaubert. Got a discount on the book too. Than Kathy and me ordered coffee and were relaxing on the balcony when Maxi called and said he would join us there. After Maxi came we spent some more time there and then left for Gateway Of India, on the way we saw Central Cottage Industries Emporium went in just to check out stuff and ended up buying some nice stuff. From there went to Gateway only to find it crowded, so decided to call it a day and headed back to VT.
Our Maxi had left his sunglasses with his friend so we had to wait outside McDonalds to meet her. There was this small shop selling dude and Macho kind of accessories, Maxi has a fetish for finger rings, he started looking through them. Liked one and was going to pay 80 bucks for it, I grabbed the hundred rupee note from him and told him to relax. Kathy and me started bargaining we said we would not pay anything more than 50. We told him not interested and stood there looking the other way. Maxi’s friend came and returned the sunglasses. We started to make a move when the ringwala called and said we can get the ring for 70 bucks nothing less than that. We stood our ground, he said 60, we wouldn’t budge, I told Maxi don’t give him hundred bucks I got a fifty rupee note. When I gave the shopkeeper money he almost wanted to grab a ten-rupee note from my wallet. Maxi couldn’t believe it he wanted to do some more shopping with us. We told him that could have been possible if he had not gone for the movie. A day that started and ended with a good bargain.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Counting My Days

Me not dying. Just counting my days in the office,last month at work. 18 days more to go, take out 3 sundays and 1 saturday that leaves only 14 days. :D Then I will be free. I know it will take me a little time to get adjusted to freedom and all things related to it. Like lotsa time at hand, no routine, no targets, no freaking meetings.
The tiny laughing buddha, national flag on a black plastic stand that I had bought at a traffic signal will go with me. The only person who will miss me will probably be the Gurkha who greets me without fail everyday and who until a couple of weeks back was under the impression that Dim is my brother.
14 working days, I think I will start scratching a line on the wall for each passing day. Not only will it help me count better but also act as a reminder to others of the term that I served here. From Kala Paani to Firangi Paani in 18 days.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Morning Sky

The morning sky, light blue, just out of slumber with a trimming of frothy orange to its east. Such a calm demeanor but fighting the golden rays of the sun from engulfing it and changing its persona. It knows the sun is its savior the force that liberates it from the darkness and yet it can not completely blend with this life giver and lose its identity. Instead what it does is make it a prime focus each day, taking a kind of pride in its presence, until its time for the sun to move on. And it does not mind living through infinite nights of darkness waiting for the inevitable meeting with the sun, secure in the knowledge that in this rhythm of day and night they will always be together.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

5 to 8 things

Time for CC's Tag

5 to 8 things I would want to do with my mate.

1 - Talk. A lot of talking, debates, discussions, arguments about anything and everything.

2 - Travel, go for drives, rides, walks. Explore.

3 - Watch movies together. Sports, plays any together activity.

4 - Make some kids.

5 - Spend time together watching sunrise and sunset with a hot cuppa of chai or coffee especially on beaches.

6 - Go to hilly places and when it is dark and cold and the sky seems to be close enough to raise your hand and touch, snuggle in together and gaze at the stars and the moon.

7 - Call in sick at the office and get wet in the rain spend the rest of the day indoors enjoying hot pakoras and watching movies.

To tag or not to tag is the question. Me wont tag anybody, but hoping to get some insights on other blogs very soon. :-)

Sunday, February 05, 2006

8 things I would look for..........

1 - Tall dark/fair and handsome.

2 - Smart enough to make lots of money and dumb enough to let me spend it.

3 - Buy me diamonds on special occasions (I get to decide the occasions) and the rest of the times he should buy me flowers, chocolates and all other things that are a woman's best friends besides diamonds.

4 - Should protect me from cockroaches. My heart was broken once when in school I found out that the guy I adored was scared of cockroaches. I dont want to go through the trauma once again.

5 - Should be charismatic, in a crowd he should stand out. That doesnt mean he should dress like a clown.

6 - Should have a captivating sense of humour. (Wow I can patent this I dont believe anybody has ever thot of sense of humour as captivating)

7 - Should repeatedly proclaim his undying love for me.

8 - He should be crazy.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Tag Meter

I go visiting blogs after a long time and, what do I see? I am tagged not by one but two people.

Ladki ek aur tag do, bahut naainsaafi hain.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Nothing can prepare you. Not your friends not your family not even life. It sneaks in unnoticed and takes over your entire being by the time you realize it’s too late. This intruder becomes the core of your existence. Happiness and sorrow, I am amazed by its duality. My illusion is shattered. It’s become the reality.