Friday, September 28, 2007

Loving it

It is raining as if it is the beginning of monsoon. I was about to get out of the house when it started raining. So I thought I will wait it out, but after about 15 minutes and no sign of the rain stopping, armed with my legendary, green umbrella I ventured out into the pouring rain. After all the adventure in finding a rick, sharing it with 2 other girls, and paying more than I should have reached office 9 minutes late. I shouldn’t forget to add that I am wearing white today. So I had very good reason to avoid the rain, but as I am now coming to acknowledge Nature is quite devious when it comes to playing pranks with pretty women in white.

But no matter white clothes turning brown, mud in my toenails, reaching late to meetings, getting wet from head to toe and then freezing in the office, I love rains. And as I do not go by the name Dim or Rascal, I do not wear socks, and since I do not wear socks they don’t get wet in rains, and I don’t have to go around with soggy socks on. But soggy socks or not I would and still love rain.


Anonymous said...



Anks said...

i don't know how you manage o still love it.... i got pretty irritated after 4 months!

Anonymous said...

HEY! Wet socks are not funny OK!!! i still wake up in the night sweating.....Oh the misery of it all!!! :(