Saturday, August 13, 2005

Music Mania

Dim once asked me, why don’t you like music, SIR? Don’t let that confuse you, Im a woman, its just that my friends out of mutual respect address each other as SIR. I was baffled by his question, took me a little time to understand that what he meant is why don’t, I listen to his kind of music. Ya, I know very pretentious of him to think what he listens to is music and anything else could be passed as the grumbling sound made by an upset stomach.
Now would I prefer a different set of people as friends just cause they show off their underwear brand and my friends don’t, however amusing and reflecting it might be. I agree one can learn a lot about a person just by knowing their undie brands, its saves a lot of trouble and time, that would otherwise be spent getting to know somebody. But since I have a lot of time and trouble always follows me like a shadow I don’t mind it. I have made my decision about the kind of people I would hangout with, though I would always make new acquaintances and enjoy time with them too, but they will never become “The Must” for me. Same goes for music, I am used to certain kind of music, I don’t know why, maybe cause I have listened to it from the time I remember or before that.
You must be wondering how Dim gets time to ponder over such silly matter and ask such irrelevant questions. The answer is we work together, I guess it says a lot about the amount of work we do. Dim has unsuccessfully tried to make me appreciate musicians like Oasis and U2, and with Kathy joining us at work, they have joined hands to convert me. It’s not like I wouldn’t listen to them, it’s just that it wouldn’t be my obvious choice. In fact, I would prefer Pink Floyd or Cranberries over Oasis and U2.
Dim’s argument is that U2 makes songs about social issues and their lyrics are terrific, I would beg to differ, a Bono or the likes can never beat Kaifi Azmi, Ravi, Khayyam or any one of their multitude. I should also admit that I do not get a single word of what these Bands sing, (something to do with not knowing English well, I guess) my mind does not register anything beyond the electric guitar being played to its optimum. If they had set their songs to the words of Keats or Wordsworth, maybe I would be singing a different tune.
After this I am sure Kathy will make it his life’s goal to come up with new ways to demean or better than that to kill me, but I will live to tell the tale.


Anonymous said...

Umm... underware brands - music... any connection?
Ok, just kidding. I agree with u that a Bono can't compete with Khayyam and Kaifi azmi in terms of lyrics... becoz the languages are different... BUAHAHAHAHA

Flying Machine said...

b-( you know what that means. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ouch! that hurts :@)

Anonymous said...

Bono may probably never write lyrics like Kaifi Azmi, Ravi or Khayyam; however, the fact remains that he writes stuff which are socially relevant and gives back to the society in a manner that no other band does. He is pursuing an degree of some sort (I'm not sure which) so that he can get work with the UN. This speaks volumes about his eagerness to help out the downtrodden.

Most music bands would be content with making music and getting paid for it (even the cranberries and pink floyd fall in this category). Mind you I'm not saying that the Pink floyd of the cranberries are not good. In fact, they are on the top of my list too.

The point is that Bono is among the few people who use their profession for a greater cause than music itself which is more than I can say for any other band.....

This is why Dim and I love U2...

My two cents..


Anonymous said...

I am also assuming the fact that everyone'e aware that Bono has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize twice...


Flying Machine said...

You assume a lil too much

Anonymous said...

Just one point...
Two of the architects of the Iraq war, United States President George W Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, were among nominees for the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize.

Flying Machine said...

LOL, I am dead.

Anonymous said...
